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Why Investing In Yourself Should Be Your New Year's Resolution
“Of course the world of work begins to become - threatens to become - our only world, to the exclusion of all else. The demands of the...

The Difference Between Counseling and Confession
Those Catholic Shrinks: EP10 Father Ben Lehnertz join Lisa and Regina this week to share how the world of counseling collides with the...

Healthy Habits of a Happy Marriage
Those Catholic Shrinks: EP 9 Lisa and Regina discuss healthy habits couples can utilize in their own marriage. Every relationship is...

Those Catholic Shrinks: EP 8 In this Halloween special, Lisa and Regina discuss different “off the wall” types of phobias including...

How to Talk to Teenagers
Those Catholic Shrinks: EP 7 Lisa and Regina discuss ways to have an open, trusting relationship with adolescents while still being a...

Relationship Red Flags
Those Catholic Shrinks: EP 6 Do you see any red flags in the relationships you have in your life? Lisa and Regina discuss ways to keep...

Therapist Toolbox - Theories
Those Catholic Shrinks: EP 5 Every therapist has a toolbox they use to help them work with clients. In this Therapist Toolbox we talk...

Self Care 2
Those Catholic Shrinks: EP 4 What do you do on your free time? Do you have a hobby? Regina and Lisa share how important it is to spend...

Self Care
Those Catholic Shrinks: EP 3 What does self-care mean in the day to day? How can we be spiritually and mentally healthy? Lisa and Regina...

Understanding Teenagers
Those Catholic Shrinks: EP2 Lisa and Regina share experiences and ways to have an open dialogue with teenagers.
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